With a sex-positive attitude, we support you in all matters relating to sexuality and relationships. We are experts in polyamory (non-monogamous relationships) and NTSB (non-traditional sexual behavior), including BDSM.

Mag. Barbara Zuschnig | Mag. Beatrix Roidinger

Psychological counseling * Couples and Sexual counseling

With a sex-positive attitude, we support you in all matters relating to sexuality and relationships. We are experts in polyamory (non-monogamous relationships) and NTSB (non-traditional sexual behavior), including BDSM.

Mag. Barbara Zuschnig | Mag. Beatrix Roidinger

Psychological counseling * Couples and Sexual counseling

  • We help with erection problems, listlessness, pain during sex, orgasm disorder, sex addiction and all other sexual problems.

  • You are also right with us if your relationship is threatened by jealousy, separation, affairs and other conflicts.

  • We understand sexuality as part of the life energy, EROS Humans experience this energy on different levels, and in different ways. We support this diversity.

Our offer

Sexual counseling

Dealing with disruptions in the relationship and sexual problems brings life issues to the surface. Negative experiences such as unsatisfactory sexuality and emotional coldness in the partnership cause anxiety. Then a negative cycle sets in that you can no longer break on your own. more

Advice for couples

Their intimacy as man and woman has been lost. Listlessness, boredom and indifference have taken hold. Good relationships and good sex don’t happen by themselves. We will help you to become an erotic couple (again). more

Online counseling

Use our online consultation service if you do not live in Vienna or if you have specific questions that do not require a longer consultation process. This allows you to contact us anonymously, regardless of time and place. more

About us

Barbara Zuschnig
Barbara Zuschnig

I offer sexual and relationship counseling for individuals and couples in our practice. I advise you on questions about your sexuality, your desire and your lust. I work with you to find solutions for your partnership. more

Beatrix Roidinger
Beatrix Roidinger

Eroticism says a lot about our “being in the world”: Can we love ourselves? How well do we tolerate difference? How creative and playful are we? How much responsibility for well-being and happiness do we take? I accompany you with these questions more


” … I felt picked up where I was, I felt fully seen and I suddenly understood aspects of my sexuality that I hadn’t seen so clearly before… Thank you!” more


Too tired for sex? Listless? Speechless? Many men and women know this feeling. Listlessness has many facets: “Can you talk about sex in your relationship?” What are your wishes and fantasies?” “Do you know your body?” more

Erection problems

Many men suffer from erectile dysfunction or from an unreliable erection. It is stressful, for the partnership as well. Physical and psychological causes interact closely. An unhealthy lifestyle often also plays a role. more

Sex addiction

Do constant thoughts about sex interfere with your everyday life? Suffer from a lack of concentration? Do you spend hours on the Internet? Silence makes the situation worse. A conscious confrontation is the first step towards change. more

News / Blog

Menopause – a time of change

Creativity enriches your sexuality. Fantasies are beautiful. They are journeys in the mind and can be very arousing. Fantasies can become desires. Or not.